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SA headed for disaster if citizens won’t register to vote: ActionSA President Herman Mashaba

Herman Mashaba

ActionSA President Herman Mashaba has warned South Africans that the country is headed for disaster if they fail to register to vote. Mashaba was speaking during the party’s voter registration drive in Tembisa, east of Johannesburg. The party is aiming to target the 14 million eligible but unregistered voters in the country.

Today’s event sought to assist citizens in registering to vote in 2024 ahead of the IEC’s national registration weekend on the 18th and 19th November.Mashaba says it is critical to rescue the country from a dire future.

“Twelve million South Africans as I am talking to you are unemployed; 54% of our people live below the breadline. You can imagine if this country collapses, Zimbabwe will be like a Sunday school picnic. It’s a country where we are the murder capital of the world already. Before the collapse of this country, 80 people are being murdered in this country; every 30 seconds a woman in this country is raped. We are already in trouble, but I believe if we, as ActionSA, and other parties can work hard to bring back the South Africans who feel disenfranchised, for them to realize the power of democracy that we can remove governments that fail.
Scores of ActionSA members and volunteers have hit the streets of Tembisa on Johannesburg’s east rand urging that community to vote in next year’s general elections.

The group whose members spread out across the township were led by Mashaba and the party’s Gauteng Provincial Chairperson, Funzi Ngobeni.

“A lot of our people, as you are aware, had given up on voting and I think for us, as ActionSA, we have worked out a plan to really get them back. In less than an hour, we have really managed to get 67 people registered with us, some of them had already registered to vote, some of them were first time voters. We registered them with the IEC. We also, at the same time, are getting them to register with the IEC requirement, because ActionSA, we are a new party where we are required by law, here in Gauteng alone we need 15 000 people behind us to be registered as a political party.

Source: eNCA

In other news – Date for the SAMAs announced

The South African Music Awards (Samas) have confirmed that the award ceremony will take place on Saturday, 18 November.

2023 SAMAs

This after there was confusion as to whether or not the awards would take place. Read more